Coverts all characters in V to uppercase UprString(VAR V : STRING); Covert a REAL value into a STRING. The numeric value will be displayed in the current unit settings of the drawing Num2StrF( V : REAL); Converts a REAL value to a STRING Num2Str(DecimalPlace : INTEGER; V : REAL) : STRING; Converts numeric string value to a REAL number Str2Num( V : REAL) : REAL; Insert Source into Dest at location Dest[Index] Insert(Source : STRING; VAR Dest : STRING; Index : INTEGER); Removes Count characters from the value of Source beginning at Source[Index] Delete(VAR Source : STRING; Index,Count : INTEGER); Returns a string containing count characters from source, beginning at source[Index] Copy(Source : STRING; Index,Count : INTEGER) : STRING; Concatenates all the parameters in the order they are written and returns the concatenated string Concat(Str1,Str2,Str3,...,Strn : STRING) : STRING; Searches for the SubStr within the Str and returns an integer value that is the index of the first character of SubStr within Str Pos(SubStr,Str : STRING) : INTEGER; Returns the number of characters in a string Len( v : STRING) : INTEGER;